This week I'm mostly working on Forge World projects.
On the deck is an Ork Half track and 9 bases of rippers.
I got the half track mostly finished but am needing to go back and add some flash. Detail bits mostly. This kit was the first full up vehicle I've done from Forge World (FW). The components were really good and the track was flexible. They required minimal clean up and these were then used to modify a Games Workshop (GW) Ork Trukk kit.
The basic trukk kit is actually a bit of a pain to work with. A lot of the optional equipment should really be added before the cab floor is attached to the rolling chassis. This wasn't immediately apparent and the options all show up in the last step of the instructions. Ultimately this resulted in my leaving most of the optional gear off. Not to worry it'll be largely incorporated into the next trukk and has the advantage of being already painted.
The trukk is painted to look crude and some of the techniques i used were pretty crude as well! Its also going to be a gaming piece and is not intended to be a contest entry. Good, solid, Ork stuff.
The basic scheme involved a black undercoat followed with a base coat of either Citadel Mechrite Red (Foundation Paint) or Tin Bitz (Citadel). These were heavily but unevenly applied using a wetbrush technique. All of this accomplished while still on the sprue.
The red areas were then worked up using Harvest Orange (Apple Barrel ) and Apricot (Apple Barrel) then finished off with a couple of coats of Baal Red wash (Citadel).
The bare metal areas got a heavy brush up of Bolt Gun Metal (Citadel). Highlights were made with Rustungs Farbe (Fantasy Forest).
Quick and dirty.
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