Finally got some time in today! Here is an Ork Medallion that will adorn a stompa in the near future His teef are as angry as mine! In addition to the medallion I've dome some work on The Changeling and some minor terrain features. I'm staring to put some other large projects in the queue as well, primarily an update to my Dark Eldar Army and a slew of Ork toys.
On another note Ferrum Ira got the upper casement added as well as details for the crewed nacelles. Things should pick up steam from this point. The targeting arrays are about 50% complete and I shoulod be able to install most of the add on details in the next couple of days with the most work remaining to be done on the interior of the cockpit hatch and the attitudinal flaps. The afterburners are painted (both versions) and I just have to decide which set to use. I'm leaning toward the fully opened set at the moment.
Now I'll have to get serious about designing the display base. I've had several iterations of ideas about it, the surviving elements of which include a decorative power switch and apparatus for the off board power, servitors and mechanics, and some integrated support stands to help relieve the landing gear of bearing the whole weight of the model in the long term.