I've started work on the first six of these. They will replace the GW Dark Eldar Grotesques. I mean they really fit the description mush better and there are more poses available. The GW model is a single pose model that looks like a nightmare line dance formation if you actually use a whole unit. I'll still use the GW ones of course but I never built more than a couple of them because of the pose. This will add a real touch of the macabre to the formation in addition to visual diversity.
The model design is fantastic and uses humanoid/eldaroid torsos in place of the legs.. leaving the construct to run along on eight hands! of course the cacophony must be maddening as there are five heads... four of them screaming as they carry the creature and one controlling the whole mess. I have three of the torsos installed at this point... its a complex build and will take a bit longer than usual but its a very interesting process and the results will certainly be worth the effort.
When trying to figure out how to build these I went looking for a construction diagram on the Raging Heroes website. They have diagrams for several of their more complex models but not for these. I searched the Kickstarter updates and found the one where they built several of these and explained the letter system. Its really quite nice! Each part is clearly labeled with a letter and the primary centaur torso has letters in the sockets so just match the torso to the socket of the same letter then add the head an arms with the same letter as the socketed torso and you have it. Of course a few of the parts separated from the sprue during cleaning but the letters are attaced o the part a bit more vigorously than to the sprue so most of the parts separated with their id letter.
I have a lot more of these to build so I'm happy that RH has made the construction relatively easy.

Other things on the desk! Star Saga Mercenaries, whcih are the Player Character models of the game. I'll work on these while the kicker drys on the centaurs... super glue and accelerator are great... until they are not!
Star Saga Corporate Marines and Rangers. Same as for the Mercs.. I'll work on these between drying bouts. I'm trying to come up with some good corporate colors. I like the idea of Mishima Crimson on the rangers and a more khaki color for the marines. Greens are also a possibility but isn't particularly intuitive for space focused forces. I've already used Rent-a-Cop blue so will probably avoid blues for these guys. and gals.
Hi-Tech miniatures Bioconvergence. I picked these up at a game shop in Germany with the idea I'd use them as ADMech proxies. Initially I was thinking Kataphron because of the tracked chassis but the weapon loads are not really that similar and, since I had four of them I decided to reboot as servitors. The weapons are obviously very close GW analogs and I've magnetized them so I can swap them out as needed.
Lastly a Trader for Afterglow. I don't know anything about Afterglow but the models I've come across look interesting in a post apocalypse kinda way.
For my purposes this guy will be a supply contact for the Jailbirds as they wander the wastelands.
Back to the table!
This is a nice article! I've linked it in our own about the models of the Star Saga set: Star Saga: The Eiras Contract set