Happy New Year!
I'm looking forward to working on loads of new projects this year and I hope you are too!
First up, from Dark Souls the Board Game we have the assembled cast of Player Characters.
The players can select The Knight, The Warrior, The Herald, or The Assassin. The sculpts themselves are technically good although none of them really excited me. Part of that might be that there are only four of them and, except for The Assassin, they are all very similar in appearance.
I thought it was an odd composition to have a warrior and a knight but no pure caster... but its true to the video game.
I elected to go with a cool color mix for the player group and decided on the color scheme for the "Good Guy Floor"
The floor was painted as a large square patter of blue and rust.
The blue quarters were painted Deep Sky Blue, washed with Secret weapon Sapphire, stippled with Sky Blue and re-stippled with pure white.
The rust quarters were the base Krylon bronze primer paint combo brush spattered with Secret Weapon Copper Fitting, and dry brushed with Gamescience Rustungs Farbe.
The Bosses, Mini-Bosses, and Elites of what I think of as the "constructs" group are coming along in their Red and Brass kind of way although the guy with the big bell-hammer is looking a little seasonal >.>
There is also the "Fleshy and Decayed" group and they are making progress as well. They still have a lot of red but will replace most of the brass with bone whites.
For the "big trash and little trash" group I started down a rotten road with purplish fleshy bits... this might be tricky given the low contrast with the red clothing bits so I'll have to work on bringing up the separation a bit. Rotten greens might have been a better choice... certainly an easier one... but I was feeling that I wanted the trash group to be a little less green, red, and brass to underscore the difference between them and the more elite types.

The Void Elves are making progress. The first group was primed with the Krylon Khaki Camouflage paint and dry-brushed white. The pain seems to be adhering well and I'm hoping this is a quick and viable Ynnari theme... I can even retain the Void Elf nomenclature for the Ynnari faction. I've got two more groups of five of these being constructed.
Finally the first mini getting prepped for Mantic's Star Saga!
Star Saga looks like it falls into the Action RPG light category more than into the Dungeon crawler boardgame category. Lots of detail and fiddly bits. Templates, multiple action lots of character descriptions. If it had a character creation system it would be on its way to being an actual RPG... I might have to work on that... The Warpath Universe is looking pretty interesting these days and the first novel I read in the setting didn't disappoint.
We are looking forward to knocking out our first game of it this week.
Back to the brushes!
These are nice! I've linked your work in our article about the Aberration, and I'll link them in the articles about the other models when I'll get there :)
ReplyDeleteThanks again!