This week's builds include Augusta the Mother Superior from Raging Heroes and the next iteration of Survivors from our current Kingdom Death Monster campaign.
Augusta is a massive terminator style armored sci-fi warrior nun. Her retinue is in the assembly queue as well. I'm low on 40mm bevel bases, having accidentally stocked up on the round lip variety, and think that these might be a good target for a set of 3D printed bases as I'm expecting the new printer to arrive in the next couple of weeks and bases seem like a good first project for it.
She comes in 4 parts and, due to the detailed baroque style, requires more cleanup than most Raging Heroes models. Once cleaned the model goes together well and RH has made clever use of the details to hide the joins.
Speaking of Kingdom Death Monster... I've been anticipating the arrival of the Expansions of Death and was very excited to see a HUGE box on my doorstep!
I opened the box to find...
The Order of Vampire Hunters Kickstarter!
Not what I was expecting but still very cool!
Apparently I don't read my e-mail... they sent notice and tracking info .. etc..
I was still living in Transylvania when this Kisckstater launched and was really feeling the theme so... I bit for the whole set with the thought that it would be so fun to run a spooky Vampire Hunting game in Transylvania... and then promptly learned I was moving to Alaska... still a fun place to be and the extended day/night cycles would be interesting for vampires...
Unlike Kingdom Death I'm hoping that this is a little more easy to run for community game night and to recruit new gaming blood... so to speak... I love Kingdom Death but its a game for gamers and isn't as easy to grasp for new players as a good, old school,vampire hunt.
Here you see the regular production sets... the core game, three expansions, and four character or adversary mini packs.

... and here you see the thing about kickstarters that is so attractive... the freebies, extra loot, and exclusives that won't make it to retail.
In this case the extras pile is pretty huge and includes additional playing tiles, new Hunters and Adversaries, extra dice and some fang embellished dice bags.
So now, while prepping for the next KDM campaign session and finishing up the Star Saga core set, I need to learn this game and paint up the starter set to take to the monthly game night... and then there is Twisted calling... oh ... and Daughters of Khaine... zoom zoom zoom!
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