A couple of female Space Marine proxies from the Heresy Girls Kickstarter. I know... the fluff has no female Space Marines but what could be more heretical, and more thematic, than the Traitor Legions adding some women to the ranks?
First up is the Lady of Decay. I went with the helmet head but there is a very cool helmet-free head included with the kit. This is the resin version and although I have the .stl files for these models I've proven that my printer isn't really up to it so I'll be skipping those for the time being.
The casting was clean and the resin accepted glue and paint easily. The pose, as it tends to be for all the models in this project, is utilitarian and a tiny bit like it stepped out of a recruiting poster.
This will make a great proxy in my Death Guard.

Painting was the usual khaki undercoat with sand and then white dry-bushed over it followed by a coat of Secret Weapon Sewer Water mixed with a drop of Vallejo Glaze Medium. Weathering made use of the Secret Weapon Weathering paints with Brown Rust being the primary and a spot of Citadel Ryza Rust and Typhus Corrosion technicals. The base is green-stuff brushed a couple of shades of white and washed with Secret Weapon Ruby.
The Order of Vampire Hunters Guardians are basically low budget Hell Hounds. The detail is quite low but hey, they are part of a horde of zombie dogs...
Based Khaki, brushed up with whited, washed with Drying Blood (SW) drybrushed with Buckskin Pale (Reaper) spot washed with Seraphim Sepia (GW) washed with Strong Tone (Army Painter Ink) bases are Agrellan Badlands (GW texture) washed with 50-50 Sewer Water (SW) and Glaze Medium (V) dry-brushed with Buckskin Pale (R)

Here you see the guardians with Lady of Decay for scale.

Paint is Khaki with sand then white dry-brush followed by a wash of Sapphire (SW) and some spot paints of Voidshield Blue (AP)/Sapphire (SW) mix to get that almost Ultramarine Blue look in places. Yellows are the Reaper Yellow Triad.
The base is greenstuff painted to resemble a magic activation circle.

Lastly there is the Gothic Baptismal Font which I printed from files from the Rampage Gothic Kickstarter. Its printed in Black PLA and was painted with my Current yellow metal treatment of Brass Casings (SW), Flesh Wash (SW), rebrush with Brass Casings and then highlight with Shining Gold (GW). White is the reaper Bone Triad plush a thin wash of Stormcloud (SW) re-layered with Splintered Bone (R) and Glaze Medium (V). Reds are Phoenix Red (V), Ruby (SW) and a thin Gory Red (R) for texture.

Back to the desk!