Shiveryah glided across the tiny village square her feet floating conveniently above the grime and mud of the slaughter.
Looking intently for a trace of her prize the Sorceress of the Blood Rain almost missed the faint stench of piety... almost too late she was upon the wounded warrior sister. The shredded armored habit bore the sigils and colors of the Sisters of Eternal Mercy... probably the Order of the Poisoned Cup... the Poisoned Cup specialized in the collection and study of corruption rather than the indiscriminate cleansing of it. Their presence here piqued Shiveryah's interest...
the cloak Siveryah wore, the gruesomely aspected Cloak of Innocent Blood, was not only a prized relic of her house but a potent artifact in it own right. It quickly enveloped her in a light bending shroud... she was invisible to all but the most arcane of sensors... most magic obfuscation are weak to strong Faith wielders but this one was specifically constructed with only the most incorruptible materials making it impervious to Faith based sight. Its materials were uncomfortable for Shiveryah to wear but her tolerance for discomfort was... notable, even among the Void Elves of her Kabal who were famed for their excess.
Withdrawing a short distance she located both the embattled Sister's adversary and the target of her own mission. Things were about to get interesting.

Hopping back on the Raging Heroes train I managed to spend some time with they awesome Shiveryah SF version. She becomes the First Sorceress of the Blood Rain Kabal.
I had a moment of panic when undercoating her I mistaken used a gloss finish paint/primer combo. Surprisingly this covered really well and took paint with no trouble... whew!
Her "Cloak of Innocent Blood" came about because I painted the first coat.. to two?... with "Glistening Blood" from Army Painter which I had picked up with a batch of basic colors to get me through until the main hobby supplies arrive... It turns out to be sort of a technical, or effect, paint and had some interesting color and texture things going on. It looks like it will be awesome for pools and rivulets of blood but isn't a good choice for smooth coverage of large ares because of its, completely intentional, texture.
Next up is "The Beast" from Anvil Industries. Its a nice Sci-Fi werewolf. I like all the tech gizmos embedded in it and am going to call it Subject #7.
It is a lot smaller than the Raging Heroes werewolves, as are most other werewolf models out there, so I'm thinking of using it as a prototype experimental "Super Soldier"... escaped and looking for a place to be.
It was a fun model to paint, relatively clean casting and the resin is a nice mix that has sharp detail, is not overly brittle, and takes paint easily.
Canoness Veridyan is a classic GW pose based on the art of Blanche... She's in finecast here and it behaved the way it usually does.
I really got to play around with a new water effect here, and on The Beast. Vallejo Super Heavy Gel. The stuff is pretty awesome so far. almost sculpt-able it gave good running water effects on both these bases. On Veridyan's base i have included a lot of random debris, grass clippings etc... all painted like necroplis debris and buried in the gel. it has a choppy surface and has dried realtively hard and without the sticky surface that is an issue with some other water effects... like the GW Water Effect. It'll take a few more experiments to see how reliable it is but I'm optimistic.
A size comparison between the Raging Heroes and Games Workshop models.
Veridyan comes with a 32mm base while Shiveryah is set on a 25mm base but I think the larger base is intended to indicate that Veridyan is equipped with Power Armour while Shiveryah is a lightly armored Space Elf. Shiveryah is also floating above the base so seems a bit taller than Veridyan.
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