Adding some color to the Junkfort today. Initially I did a heavy rust weathering but it was a bit too monochrome. Adding in some colors to add some visual depth and make the barricades more interesting.
Miniature hobby project diary. Its mostly building and painting miniatures, writing background fluff, and discussions about various hobby related topics.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Junkfort and color
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Junkfort Project
Sticking with the post-apocalypse theme I’ve been working on the Junkfort. These are printed on an Anycubic Kobra Max FDM machine and I’ve had some trouble dialing it in. Its quite temperamental to date and I’ve been spending more time rebuilding the hot end than printing with it. The files come from Rampage and they are full of very atmospheric details.

This is turning out to be a weathering exercise. In the main I used Secret Weapon acrylics and washes with the notable exception of white where I used Reaper Bone Triad… and, of course black which was Craft Smart.
More of this on the desk as well as wrapping up some ships for Blood and plunder. Otherwise I’ve been focusing on the resin printers doing base toppers and a bunch of Avatars of War trolls and goblins. I may also turn the printers off for a bit and focus on getting through the enormous pile of Kingdom Death that just got even bigger with the arrival of the Gambler’s Chest expansion.
Back to the brushes!