Busy and eclectic week! First up is the WiP tray drying off after a quick sealer. On deck is a Military Check Point in MDF from Antenocitis' Workshop, a goblin casualty from The Battle of Skull Pass (WFB 7ed. Starter set), and a double dose of objectives and accessories terrain from Mantic's Kings of War 3rd Edition Scenarios and Objectives Pack.
The objectives pack will also be handy to replace some of the cardboard counters from Gloomhaven... stay tuned for more on that!
The Army checkpoint is part of the Post Apocalypse, pre-painted, line of MDF terrain from Antenocitis' Workshop. The little guard hut is presented in its pre-painted and weathered condition but I decided that the road barriers needed a spot of paint as they were plain black out of the box.The alternating red and white striping was aided by the barrier arms being pre-scored. A yellow work up and a red cap tops of the post.
I've been particularly addle-brained the past couple of weeks and, when constructing the barriers for the Army Checkpoint I used some included spare parts to double the size of the counterweight in spite of the instructions being rather clear that only one plate was required... the more the merrier right?
As you can see the extra bit makes the barrier arm non-functional as it impacts the support post very early in its lift... woe is me!
Since there was nothing else for it I decided to have a crack at removing the extra bit with a pair of side snips.
Cha-CHING! the offending bit popped right off and took the glue with it. One of the advantages of having sealed the part before construction began. Fortunately this was the case with all four arms. They came away clear and I was able to finish the assembly without further mishap.
The finished barrier arm ready to control movement on the tabletop!
An observation... this kit was more difficult for me than most of the kits from this range... The parts did not go together quite as seamlessly. I think I needed to build a jig to help with that but part of the problem was that I had to use a different glue than I am used to. For the other MDF projects I have been using Super-phatic glue which is kind of like the superglue of wood glues. Since it sets so fast I've been able to skip a lot of clamping, banding, and jig making. I built this kit with Gorilla PVA. Its a good glue and sets up reasonable quickly... about like a tacky glue... bit not the fast hard set that I was used to so I ended up collapsing the posts a few times and having to rebuild the whole thing on the fly. Unfortunately it shows on some of them. I started clamping after the second collapsed assembly so half of them are ok and half of them are a bit ragged. But they are post apocalypse and have not yet been weathered so... they may yet be battered into submission!

Here is an assembled checkpoint being willfully ignored by a troupe of Void Elf Executrices from Raging Heroes. I've been using them as Ynnari but continue to refer to them as Void Elves.
This is the Executrix troop that completes the Executrix command unit I did about a year ago. Fortunately I had done the base coat before the big move so I didn't have to do a lot of color matching... that won't be the case going forward though!
Who said death worshiping Dark Elves have to wear black or red anyway! I mean the power weapons have that Dark Side red light-saber glow... that should cover it!
Mantic's Kings of War objectives... Dragon Egg, Weapons Cache (dead gobbo by GW! 'ow did that git in 'ere ennyway!?! ohh cool static grass)
Runestone and messenger/courier bag... against a stump... with a pistol and a musket... that looks to have ended badly...
Supply crate and ammo pile for a cannon.
Thats all for today...
Next time the Gloomhaven initial unlocked characters and the Kings of War objective treasure chests that didn't make it into this post.
Back to the desk!