The pristine version of the A-Z Mart from Antenocitis Workshop.
I've some models from Mantic Games Star Saga here for scale.
The pristine version differs in a few details from the weathered version so there is a side by side look at them a bit farther down.
The pristine version has photo graphics for the shelves so it appears fully stocked and the cooler/freezer case doors, like the windows, are unbroken. The A-Z Mart pristine version is ready to welcome tiny customers!
I'll want to sort out a generic mat suitable for Post Apocalypse games... in truth one may be kicking around the workspace but I have yet to dig it out... baby steps!
The A-Z Mart is prepainted MDF with lighting accomplished by LED key-chain torches, decals from Antenocitis Workshop and Forge World weathering powders for the general grime.
Side by side with the weathered version... the weathered version used a different process involving the removal the protective coating from some of the painted surfaces before laser cutting them on a high enough setting to scorch the edges a bit. This actually worked quite well and is very visible on the white surfaces like the letters and the front window frames. The white surface gets discolored a bit well beyond the edges and gives it an aged appearance.

The broken glass of the windows and coolers really screams "I've been looted" and one of the coolers even has a zombie graphic in it!
I'll do the Petrol station in this before and after plan probably using the weathered versions for Fallout and the pristine versions for Supers.
Back to the desk!