While the ubiquitous ruins frequently found on my table, and the tables of almost ever 40K player, can do great service as Post Apocalypse terrain I have just begun generating a more genre specific set primarily for use with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, Gamma World, The Order of Vampire Hunters, and all things related to the Zombie Apocalypse.
Starting with an old favorite Antenocitis Workshop from their Survival Vehicles category: Flipped Car, Bricked Merc, and Fender Bender.
These are really fun sculpts with lots of character and the resin material is the typical super high quality that comes from Antenocitis Workshop... smooth, very little cleaning required, and takes paint readily.

The base colors were accomplished via rattlecan Primer+Paint combos from Krylon and Rustoleum. Dry-Brushing to bring out the detail which was bloc painted in basic colors.
Weathering started with Brown, Red, Yellow, and Orange Rust from Secret Weapon and finished with Forge World Powders Orange Rust for the Brick impact area, muffler cases and some parts of the iron beams.
A quick side trip into an assortment of bins (Also from Antenocitis Workshop) which are useful across the genre barrier. Sprayed Krylon Camo Green and dry-brushed these represent some common types of bins encountered in residential and shopping areas.
Back to the wrecks! The Flipped Car, shown with a Star Saga Veermyn lurking nearby, is covered in viney growths indicating that its been like this for quite a while. It out of place in the Undertown and would be more at home in a junkyard or in a setting like Fallout.
Fender Bender reminds me of the Yugo... if anyone remembers those... the implication is that the car was struck by the motorcycle and was bent by the impact... made of repurposed bubblegum wrapper!
... then there are metal beams and even a kitchen sink on it...
who know why those Plague guys are hanging out near it... but time to meet my little friend!
The Bricked Merc is fun and I wonder where all the brick came from... so I think I'll have to make a collapsing brick building in this theme just to have it sit near this one.
Plague Abomination and operative from Star Saga.
Its always fun working in a new theme. I think a convenience store and a petrol station... and maybe a shanty saloon would make for a good start... oh and a mat...
Back to the desk!