They are well designed and are sized to be LoS obstructions even for 40K. These will be great with the Asian Restaurants or the Neo-Tiki Motel that Antenocitis also have on offer. The wood color is actually laser charred and not paint... which makes this kit have a strong odor of burnt wood even before opening the box. This dissipates eventually and I hit them with some Dead Flat sealer so they can be handled more casually.
The Asian Wall Set v2 makes 11 wall section and one (working) gate.
The Prepainted MDF has a covering that is a single color with details laser cut in so its not completely or 'finely' painted but it does make a great surface for adding in those extra details if you like without it looking so much like painted MDF.
It is recommended to varnish or seal the prepainted MDF to reduce smudging from handling. I had not though of that and wish I'd seen the recommendation before working on Hab 3 from the Forward Base line. Once the clear acrylic components are installed sealing becomes more tricky! Its a learning process. My current plan is to seal the interior upgrade pack before removing the components from the MDF sheet and then do any extra detailing after that... resealing if required. The reason being that the clear acrylic doors and windows really need to be installed before the model is assembled. Otherwise there is a significant risk of damaging the MDF.

These will initially get some use as Imperial Dwarves in Kings of War but will certainly find their way back onto the table in my Oldhammer games.
These guys are a uniformed army while my Freeholds will be built from Atlantis Miniatures Dwarfs and then there is the giant pile of Mantic Dwarfs to grapple with...
Back to the desk!