She is escorted by some cherubs to protect her and hold some of her ceremonial gear.
The model is resin and the details are very sharp making her a bit easier to paint than you might imagine. Fuscha craft ink, Reaper Bone triad, Gory Red triad, and solid white, Secret Weapon washes (Storm Cloud, Armor, and Flesh) Secret weapon Engine metal, Vallejo mediums, GW Necron Compund and Shining Gold.
Bruegleburg: A day at the Fair was a kickstarter by Lead Adventurers that featured a lot of colorful townsfolk for festive settings. There were some options to add a more military flair to it but I was really drawn to the Slice of Life feel of the whole thing.
Here are a pair of looters in the colors of my Stirland Fantasy army.
This batch of models has more military or local officials in it than I've done so far so there is the recurring theme of the local livery in green and yellow on most of these.
Country Nobles sporting their colors for the fair.
Greens were worked up from Vallejo Emerald, Secret Weapon Washes and Verdigris weathering, and Reaper solid White.
These are metal models and are sculpted traditionally so they sit really well with the older style citadel models that I used to build most of my Sylvanian army. The scale is well suited to that era as well.
Yellows are Reaper Yellow triad.

I've based this batch on 25mm rounds for use with some of the newer skirmish games but I've also done a lot of the previous models on 20mm squares to better fit with my existing terrain sets. I'm a bit torn on this but even old reliable Tabletop World is moving to a larger Heroic scale and the 25mm really does support these big metal models better...
A wandering mercenary and his henchman. Since he's not a local and is a veteran of the Chaos Wars he is in red.

These two are still WiPs but I'm out of time to finish them until I locate them again after the big move. I'll do some patterning on his red coat which will reduce the Santa effect a but and the shield devices are just roughed in at present... more to come on these two.

That wraps it up until after the move. See you again in Late August or Early September!