Testing a new blogging app for posting on the go... a little late in the moving process to be sure but hey! Im having trouble moving pictures around and resizing them is a bit tricky as well. I'll have to see if I can work round that... Most likely it's operator error!
The empty space before the minis arrive! I'm really digging all the 1960s style hanging lamps! They add to the whole Retro Sci-Fi feel of the place.
The place came partially furnished so the studio now features a comfy lounge area... Perfect for plotting strategies, having a coffee, or settling into an RPG session.
The attached dedicated storage room to organize the backlog and, as a bonus, enough room for an extra table or two if the gaming is really crazy. I'll also put a spray booth in which, I hope, will get me past my airbrush learning block... And will, at least, make priming and sealing a lot easier to manage.
The last granny flat worked out really well as a combination studio/game room so we decided to go that route again this time. Having a working kitchen in the space is really handy!
Stuff arrives next week but I think I'll get a few more things painted before it does. I brought a sturdy travel kit and a pile of minis... And... I just got the "Post apocalyptic dwarf bikers" Kick Starter in so I'm looking forward to busting that out of the box as well!