I had a some trouble, and only limited success, with these two Kurganovas. They are inspiring miniatures that are heroically posed and full of character. Admiral Olga and her Bulldog Charlie are just dripping with aristocratic disdain and the Jaunty Kommander Malinka is full the arrogant confidence that makes me imagine her as a bold, and fast burning, commando or privateer.
I worked these up over a black base and was aiming for a cartoon version of weathered and gritty. I struggled a bit with color schemes as I'd already gone the red route with Ivanka and her Red Caps. Malinka ended up in a khaki variation and the Kurganova Regulars are likely to be in that vein. Admiral Olga is a Naval Officer and I went with mustard yellow. I wanted a light color to contrast with the dark cloak. Fortunately the naval troops are mainly in the liaison role so I haven't thought much about the enlisted uniforms. I put these on Secret Weapon bases from the Trenchworks line and plan to continue this theme through the entire HSF.
This approach works pretty well on GW minis since the detail has so many sharp, hard edges and deep recesses. The Raging Heroes minis, on the other hand, are very subtly sculpted and its less easy to make the sculpt do the painting for you. On this pair its been a struggle to get anything approaching a clean line and I've not yet got it nailed down. Its getting there and I remain smitten with the sculpts so I'm just going to have to up my game... and probably the magnification on my glasses.... EVIL RANGE DEPENDENT VISION! Nothing like not being able to focus on anything closer than two feet as a disad for a mini painter... yeee HAW!
This squad is a little more of a murky green hue than Squad Typhus, which is more bone and brown. The two basic schemes are similar enough to mix together if I need the flexibility but are different enough to be easily identified as separate squads in a complex melee if fielded as imagined. The main difference between the squads is the heavy weapon option with Typhus taking Heavy Flamers and Morbid preferring Reaper Cannons.
For this squad I did a heavy brush up of Bone Jack followed by a dry brush of Menoth White (both colors from the P3 range) and washed it with Sewer Water from Secret Weapon. Highlights were added in using RMS olive highlight.
Corroded areas were done with the brown and red/orange splatter or with a rose flesh through salmon and light flesh work up.
Bases, as they are for all the Contagion, are either MicroArt or are worked up with greenstuff to look similar to the MicroArt bases.