They are the Fantasy and Science Fiction versions of the 28mm model. I was originally thinking that there was very little difference between the two minis but, as a got to work on them, I discovered that there were a few things that I had missed.
I elected to use a sort of impressionist approach to painting these. Partly because its been a while since I painted anything and partly because I have recently been looking at a lot of Blanche's paintings and minis. They won't win a Demon but should be a fast and fun way to flesh out an evocative, cinematic force.
The weapon arm of the SF version is shared with the fantasy version but its not really a problem since so many system specific weapons are available to replace the cleaver if desired. For this one I opted to keep the cleaver.
This should serve ably as a Chosen Champion for Death Guard.
For Chaos, especially Nurgle, I really like the fuzziness, limited palettes, and distressed look. They show well at table top range but are a bit scary up close.
I'm shamelessly stealing the Gnome's Chaos Warband... The Unwritten... as the basic framework for the Chaos Space Marine Project. This fellow should be sporting a "Veteran of Corpulous Prime" Campaign banner on his trophy rack so I'll have to scare one up!

I also went with a basic bases so I can rip them off once I settle on theme for the two forces.